Nir Hod
Nothing is more narcotic than the past
2016, Ölfarbe auf Chrome-Leinwand
230 x 159 cm -
The Life We Left Behind , 2018
Öl/Farbentferner auf Chromleinwand
58 x 41,5 cm -
100 Years is Not Enough, 2022
Ölfarbe auf Chrome-Leinwand
30 x 38 cm
100 Years is Not Enough, 2022
Ölfarbe auf Chrome-Leinwand
30 x 38 cm -
100 Years is Not Enough, 2021
Ölfarbe auf Chrome-Leinwand
20 x 25 cm -
100 Years is Not Enough, 2022
Ölfarbe auf Chrome-Leinwand
60 x 45 cm -
Nothing is more narcotic than the past, 2021
Ölfarbe auf Chrome-Leinwand
182 x 132 cm
1989 bis 1993 B.F.A., Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem
1991 Student Exchange Program, Cooper School of Art New York
lebt und arbeitet in New York
Nir Hod begann seine Karriere im Bereich Video, arbeitet in der Bildhauerei, ist aber bekannt für seine Gemälde mit hohem Realismus. Hod studierte an der Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem und an der New Yorker Cooper Union School of Art. Seine Arbeit untersucht alte Vorstellungen von Hyper-Ernsthaftigkeit und persönlicher Authentizität. Hods realistische Einstellungen zum rakischen Narzissmus untersuchen Androgynie, Identität, sexuelle Verwirrung und Exzess. Richard Vine schrieb im Katalog für Hods Umfrage-Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum von Tel Aviv: „Seit Beginn seiner Karriere hat sich Nir Hod der Ideologie widersetzt, die Pracht als ästhetische Sünde bezeichnet. Seine Arbeit ersetzt offen das Lustprinzip und eine fließende Vielfalt von Selbst für die alten Vorstellungen von hoher Ernsthaftigkeit und persönlicher Authentizität. “ In seiner jüngsten Serie von „Genius“ -Gemälden und -Skulpturen zeigte Hod aristokratische junge Männer und Frauen, deren cherubische Wangen sich von ihren verächtlichen Gesichtsausdrücken und schwelenden Zigaretten abheben.
Für seine Einzelausstellung in der Paul Kasmin Galerie, Mutter, schuf Hod eine Reihe von Gemälden, die auf die ikonische Fotografie des Nazi-Fotografen Franz Konrad von Nazisoldaten verweisen, die das Warschauer Ghetto während des Zweiten Weltkriegs geräumt hatten. Obwohl sich der größte Teil der Gelehrsamkeit und Spekulationen über dieses Foto auf die Identität des Jungen mit erhobenen Armen konzentriert hat, konzentrieren sich Hods Gemälde auf die Frau im Profil, die dem Fotografen am nächsten ist. Indem er diese gesichtslose und oft übersehene Frau aus dem historischen Kontext des Originalfotos entfernt, bittet er den Betrachter, zu überlegen, wer sie ist, und sich das Leben vorzustellen, das sie hätte haben können. Hod zeigt sie vor einem üppigen, filmisch beleuchteten Hintergrund posierend oder tanzend, eine schöne Handtasche über ihren Arm gehängt. Verführerisch und modisch ist die Frau in diesen Gemälden der schrecklichen Realität der Originalfotografie völlig entkommen.
Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl)
The Life We Left Behind - Kohn Gallery, Los Angeles
The Life We Left Behind - Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach
The Life We Left Behind - Makasiini Contemporary Gallery, Finland
„Life and Death of a Star“ - Michael Fuchs Galerie, Berlin
„Once everything was much better even the future“ - Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York
„Mother“- Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York
„Genius“ - Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York
„Nova 7“ – Alone Segev Gallery, Israel
„Faded Heartache“ – Davide Gallo Gallery, Berlin
„You are not alone“ - Jack Shainman Gallery, New York
„Forever“ - Tel Aviv Museum der Kunst, Tel Aviv
„Luna a Las Vegas“ - Alon Segev Gallery, Tel Aviv
„Destiny´s Days“ - Rosenfeld Gallery, Tel Aviv
„Heroes Tears“ - Borowsky Gallery bei Gershman Y, Philadelphia
„Controversial Innocence“ - Rosenfeld Gallery, Tel Aviv
„Nir Hod“ - Liebman Magnan Gallery, New York
„Forever“ - Lime Light Club, New York
„Forever“ - Liebman Magnan Gallery, New York
„Forever Young“ - Miami-Dade Community College, Wolfson Galleries, Miami
„DOHRIN: The Last Painting“ - The Museum of Israli Art, Ramat Gan, Israel
„A Souvenir from November“ - Mary Fauzi Gallery, Tel Aviv
„The Brush of the Heart” - Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
Gruppen Ausstellungen (Auswahl)
Still still Life - Sara Hilden Art Museum, Curated by Sarianne Soikkonen, Finland
Vision 2020 - Curators: David Kratz and Stephanie Roach, Southampton Arts Center
Autumn Collection, Makasiini Contemporary Gallery, Finland
Imperfect Clocks - Chart Gallery, New York
Fixed Contained - curated by Tomokazu Matsuyama, Kotaro Nukaga Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
First Person Singular Masculinities in Israeli Art - Ashdod Art Museum, Israel
New Acquisitions - “Scenes From The Collection” The jewish Museum, New York
Inaugural exhibition - Gavlak Gallery, Los Angeles
The Bunker - 2018 – 2019 session curated by Maynard Monrow, Palm Beach
Shop It - Haifa Museum of Art
Dancing Goddesses - Dio Horia gallery, Mykonos, Greek
PAINTING - Sarah Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach
Points of light In A Nocturnal World - 7 Hekimer Place / Metro Picture
THE BUNKER - West Palm Beach
ACCROCHAGE - Michael Fuchs Gallery. Berlin
Dreama and Dramas - Zuzeum Art Center and Latvia National Museum, Riga, Latvia
Grisaille - Leila Heller Gallery, New York
Art Goes Logomo - Markasiini Contemporary, Turko, Finland
Flaming June VII - Gavlak Gallery, Los Angels
Opulent Landscapes - De Buck Gallery, New York
AnonimX: The End of the Privacy Era, Haifa Museum of Art
Greek Gotham - Dio Horia gallery, Mykonos, Greek
SOMETHING - Berry Campbell Gallery, New York
Prima Facie - Works From Igal Ahouvi Art Collection The Babel Trilogy, Part 4, The Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery - Tel Aviv
Superwoman - Petach Tikva Museum, Israel
Winter in America - Jack Shainman Gallery, New York
„LOOK AT ME: Portraiture from Manet to the present“ - Leila Heller Gallery, New York
„A létage au found Upstairs in the back“ - Galerie Aveline Antiquaire, Paris
„FLAG´s 5th Anniversary“ - The FLAG Art Foundation, New York
„The Concept of Baroque in Contemporary Art“ - Galerie Springmann, Berlin
„Calligraffiti 1984 – 2013“ - Leila Heller Gallery, New York
„Amor Fati“ - Pioneer Works Center of Art and Innovation, New York
„BAD FOR YOU“ - curated by Beth Dewoody Rudin, Shirazu Gallery, London
Permanent Collection at the New Building, Tel Aviv Museum, Israel
„Art Basel Miami Beach“ - Paul Kasmin Gallery New York, Art Basel Miami Beach
„Plank Road“ - Salomon Contemporary, New York
„Natural Renditions“ - Marlborough Gallery, NY
„Pink“ - curated by Beth Dewoody Rudin, Gavlak Gallery, Plam Beach
„Monuments in time“ - Michael Schultz Gallery, Beijing
„Wall Rockets: Contemporary Artists and Ed Ruscha“ - curated by Lisa Dennison, Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo New York
„As is, Contemporary art in Israel“ - Complesso del Vittoriano Museum, Rome
„Israeli art now“ - Naomi Arin Gallery, Las Vegas
„Wall Rockets: Contemporary Artists and Ed Ruscha“ - curated by Lisa Dennison The FLAG Art
Foundation, New York
„Art of State, Contemporary Photography and Video Art from Israel“ - The Jewish Historical
Museum, Amsterdam
„Access to Israel part 1 and part 2“ - The Jewish Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
„Eventually We’ll Die“ - Herzliya Museum, Israel
„We go in circles in the dark and are consumed by fire“ - Spaceother Gallery, Boston
„The luxury of love“ - Vanina Holasek Gallery, New York
„Irrational Exuberance“ - Maddox Arts Gallery , London
„Arte e Omosessualità“ - PALAZZO DELLA RAGIONE, Milan
„Sex and Sensuality“ - Salomon Contemporary Warehouse, East Hampton, New York
„East Meets Pop“ Nathan A. Bernstein Gallery, New York
„Poiesis“ Jack Shainman Gallery, New York
„The New Hebrews - A Century of Art in Israel“ - Martin-Gropius-Bau Museum, Berlin
„Rose c’est la vie: On Flowers in Contemporary Art“ - Tel Aviv Museum of Art
„Stop & Stor“ - LUXE Gallery, New York
"Pets, Time for Art (Zman Le’Omanut),” - Israeli Art Center, Tel Aviv
“Love is in the Air: Images of Romantic Love in Contemporary Israeli Art,Time for Art (Zman
Le’Omanut),” - Israeli Art Center, Tel Aviv
“Wonderyears: New reflections on the Shoa and Nazism in Israel,” Neue Gesellschaft für
Bildende Kunst (NGBK), Berlin Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
“9-11: One Year Later,” - The New York Historical Society, New York
“Uncommon Threads: Contemporary Artists and Clothing,” - Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
“Between Earth and Heaven: New Classical Movements in the Art Today,” - Museum of Modern Art, Ostend, Belgium
“Manly,” - Art in General, New York
“Gallery Artists,” - Liebman Magnan Gallery, New York
“Cutting Edge: Style, Psychosis and the Ethics of Self,” - Robert Sandelson Gallery, London
“1998 Uniform,” - Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
“After Rabin: New Art from Israel,” - The Jewish Museum, New York
“Bamot: The Building, Destruction and Restoration of High Places - Israel 1948-1998,” - The Vienna Jewish Museum, Vienna
“The Lesser Light,” - The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
“Fantasy,” - Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Herzliya, Israel
“Desert Cliché: Israel Now - Local Images,” - traveling exhibition, Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, Florida; Grey Art Gallery & Study Center of New York University, New York Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta; Yerba Buena Center for the Art, San Francisco
“In Construction,” - The Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa, Israel
“Windows,” - The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
“MetaSex 94: Identity, Body and Sexuality,” Ein Harod Museum of Art, Ein Harod, Israel / Bat Yam Museum of Art, Bat Yam, Israel
“Transit, Alternative Space at the Central Bus Station,” - Tel Aviv
“Antipathos: Black Humor, Irony and Cynicism in Contemporary Israeli Art,” - The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Bibliography (selection)
Whitewall Magazine, Nir Hod: Flames, Flowers, and Snow Globes, By Emory Lopiccolo October
The Paris Review, Dan Piepenbring reports on Once Everything Was Much Better Even the Future, October
Modern Painters, Where Have All The Rock Stars Gone? A Conversation with Nir Hod, September
Blouin ArtInfo, Slideshow: Nir Hod at Paul Kasmin Gallery, September
Blouin ArtInfo, Nir Hod: Everything Was Once Better Even the Future, September
Whitewall, Top Exhibitions Opening Up This Week, September, 10 NYFW Events That Combine Art and Fashion, September
Artlog Featuring Nir Hod, September
New York Observer/Culture, 10 Things to Do in New York’s Art World Before September 14,
Artsy, Nir Hod: Once Everything Was Much Better Even the Future, September
ArtNet News, Nir Hod discusses the art of creative destruction with Yigal Azrouël, September
The Creators Project, Nir Hod’s Monumental Snow Globe Sculpture Melds Beauty and Machinery, September
Time Out New York, Nir Hod’s Once Everything Was Much Better Even the Future is one of Time Out NY’s critics’ picks, September
W Magazine, Behind the Mirror, September
Wall Street International, Look at Me: Portraiture from Manet to the Present, May 19
Berlin Art Link, Nir Hod, By Lucia Love, April
The New York Times, The Ring Cycle: Coasters’ Star Turn, By Julie Lasky, March 26
Whitewall Magazine, Nir Hod is featured in Whitewall Magazine’s Spring 2014 issue
Interview Magazine, Nir Hod shares his favorite things with Interview Magazine, By Allyson Shiffman, February
Yediot Achronot, Economist, successful Israeli Artists Market Aboard, By Dana Gillerman, January
Nuvo Magazine, Nir Hod, Eyes Wide Open, By Simona Rabinovitch,15th Anniversary Issue winter
Globs, By Hagit Peleg Rothem, December 19
Financial Times “The Art Market: Strong Sales at Art Basel Miami Beach” Georgina Adam, December 13
Sotheby’s Blogs “Israeli Artists in the Spotlight at Art Basel Miami” Jennifer Roth, December 12
Art Observed “AO Recap and Photoset: Art Basel Miami Beach, December 3rd-8th
Daniel Creahan, December 10
The Opsis, Art Basel Miami 2013, Dec 10
Y Net News “Nir Hod Work Sells for $1M at US Art Show” Adi Gold, December 9
Florida Trend, Art Basel Miami: Overwhelming, but worth it, By Joyce Edmondson Dec 8
Hamptons Art Hub “Art Basel Miami Beach Opens: Part 1” Pat Rogers, December 7
Miami Herald “13 Things You Better Not Miss at Basel” December 7
Blouin Artinfo “Slideshow: Art Basel Miami Beach Week in Pictures” December 6
Complex “50 Must-See Art Pieces at Art Basel Miami Beach 2013” Leigh Silver, December 6
The Art Newspaper “Just How Fresh Can You Get?” Julia Halperin, December 6
Wall Street Journal “In Miami, Crowds and Confidence” Kelly Crow, December 5
Miami Herald “Art Lovers Make a Rush for Opening of VIP Basel” Jane Wooldridge, December 4
ELLE Magazine, Make Like Meriwether and Add Some Humor to Your Home, By Amanda Fitz Simons, October 22
COOL HUNTING, “Genius Nicolai” by Nir Hod by Kat Herriman 02 August
INTERVIEW MAGAZINE, ”Nir Hod and the important of narcissism “, By Allyson Shiffman, July
GOTHAM, Limited Edition Nir Hod Sculptures, By Simona Rabinovich, July 29
ARTINFO, “Nir Hod’s Melancholic “Genius” Now Available for the China Cabinet”, By Janelle Zara January 14
WHITEHOT MAGAZINE, May 2013: Frieze NY Art Fair in Photos, By Michael Anderson, May 13
YEDIOT HACHRONOT, Lecture at the Tel Aviv Museum, By Lilit Wagner, April 18
ISRAEL TODAY, This Child is Me, By Maya Cohen, April 18
ART NEWS, Painting Auschwitz Blue, By Robin Cembalest, January 10
DOCUMENT MAGAZINE No 27 “Never Seen Geniuses” Interview with Amy Phelan, September
NEW YORK TIMES, Where Bronze Transforms Into Fine Art, By Nicole Gates Anderson, September 06
VOUGE, “APT with LSD: Kyle DeWoody” June 23
LADY GLOBS MAGAZINE, “Nir Hod”, Roy Fire and Tal Peer, May
ARTINFO, “The Taste Maker”, “Genius” Artist Nir Hod Shares His Penchant for Pizza and Israeli Sandals by Ann Binlot, April 23
THE FORWARD, “Nir Hod Focuses on Mother’s Anguish,” Amand Lisa, April 13
THE STANDARD CULTURE, “Susan Kirschbaum Gets Her Friends Naked”, by Susan Kirschbaum, April 13
MUSAF YEDIOT HAHRONOT, “In The Shadow” Adi Gold, March 30
HUFFINGTON POST, “Nir Hod, the Artist Behind the Genius Children, Unveils Mother,” Fabricant Annie, March 27
TABLET, “Holocaust Imagery as Art,” Cembalest, Robin, March 26
WHITEHOT MAGAZINE, “Mother: Interview with Nir Hod,” Becker Noah, March
THE JEWISH WEEK, “Where Beauty and Death Collide,” Eric Herschthal, March 27
LOVE MAGAZINE, “Nir Hod” Herschthal, Eric Spring / Summer
NEW YORK POST, “Imagining victim’s ‘Mother’”, by GREGORY E. MILLER, March 23
TIME OUT NEW YORK, “Critic’s picks, the five best events this week”, Paul Kasmin Gallery, 22
TIME OUT NEW YORK, “Nir Hod Spring’s Top 20 Art Exhibitions,” Helle Howard, February 28
WALL STREET JOURNAL, Ellen Gamerman “The Changing Face of Portraits”, 05. August
WHITEHOT MAGAZINE, “Nir Hod: Genius”, By Jill Conner, Juli 2011
OUT MAGAZINE, Hicklin, Aaron “Nir Hod: A Rising Israeli Artist Engages in Some Baby Talk”, Juni
ART OBSERVED, “AO On Site – New York: Nir Hod “Genius” opening at Paul Kasmin Gallery; with an interview with the artist by -S. Murg, 18 .Juni
UNBIEGE “Portraits of the CEO as a Young Man: Nir Hod’s Budding Geniuses”, von Stephanie Murg, 17. Juni
MUSAF YEDIOT HAHRONOT, “Hod and More”, Adi Gold, 17. Juni
GOTHAM MAGAZINE, “Artist Profile: Nir Hod” Joey Schlank 20. Juni
WHITEWALL MAGAZINE, “Nir Hod’s “Genius”, By Danielle Dobies, 08. Juni
ART IN AMERICA, Slenske, Michael “The Kids Are Alright? The Paintings of Nir Hod”,16. Mai
INTERVIEW MAGAZINE, Kim, Sebastian “Child’s Play”, Mai
ARTLOG, Cigarette-Wielding Baby Geniuses”, April
The art News Paper” By Jane Morris. Market, Issue 223, April
PROGRAMA MAGAZINE, Legal Alienns, Frühling 2010
BLACK BOOK MAGAZINE, “Nothing is More Narcotic From the Past” May
BUFFALO NEWS, ‘’Wall Rockets’ at Albright-Knox celebrates artist Ed Ruscha”, By Colin Dabkowski 10. August
ELLE DECOR RUSSIA, By Claire Smith, June
HAHARETZ, “Portrait of the Artist”, Hameiri Yham, March
DOSSIER MAGAZINE, Wall Rockets: Contemporary Artists and Ed Ruscha at the FLAG”, by Karen Bookatz Oktober 9
THE NEW YORK OBSERVER, Culture Party by Meredith Bryan, August 27
“Nir Hod: Forever,” Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 2005 (Kataloge)
FINANCIAL TIMES DEUTSCHLAND, Gelobtes Kriegsland, By Vera Gorgen, June
Der Tagesspiegel, Maschinenpistolen im Kronleuchter, By Von Peter Von Becker, June
FLASH ART, “Nir Hod,” Turner Grady Oct, Sirmans, Franklin
ART IN AMERICA, “Nir Hod at Liebman Magnan,” Sirmans Franklin January
“Forever Young,” Wolfson Galleries, Miami-Dade Community College, Tami Katz-Freiman, Miami, 1999 (Ausstellungskatalog )
Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)
„Nir Hod – Once everything was better“ – Ausstellungskatalog Paul Kasmin Gallery, 2014
„Nir Hod – Forever“ – Ausstellungs - Katalog, Tel Aviv Museum of Art
„Nir Hod - Last Letters to Anna“ Musik Album, Helicon Records
„Nir Hod – Forever Young“ – Katalog
„Nir Hod – Forever“ – Keter Publication House, Katalog